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Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports: April 2011

Apr 29, 2011

CLOSED: Gummy Lump Carries Royalty! (+50$ Gift Certificate Giveaway)....Sure Call It a Royal Celebration Giveaway!

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*

You may think we're crazy but yes, my family DID wake up at early this morning to watch the Royal Wedding broadcast live!
My alarm went off at 4am CST and in clockwork precision Bunny girl jumped out of bed, Hubby followed and Bunny Boo sprung up not wanting to miss out on whatever crazy fun our family might have planned at that unearthly hour!

Why did I do it? To be honest I've loved the British Royals ever since I was a young girl. My parents had us enrolled in a British school and we worshiped in the local Anglican church that proudly hosted Prince Charles and Princess Anne on two separate occasions.
(My sister has the photographs to prove it. Please don't ask me to scan them in a post because I was a dumpling of a high school student with the most hideous hairstyle and still shudder to see what I looked like then!)

Considering all that, would I miss the wedding of the century?
Not a chance!!

Photo Credit:

Bunny girl insisted on watching the live broadcast with us thrilled to learn that there really are real life Princes and Princesses. After the beautiful bride and dapper groom (the now Duchess and Duke of Cambridge!) rode into Buckingham Palace my poor excited Princess crashed back into bed to catch up on sleep before preschool started but I'm glad she got to witness a historic wedding take place.

So yes, I could not let this wonderful day slip away without letting you in on a HUGE secret!

The Buzz:

We all know Gummy Lump as one of the best online toy stores for children. Their creative and educational toy selections have been used by parents as "must-buys" while shopping for their kids.
Gummy Lump
is fondly also known as the store for all things Melissa and Doug but that's not all!
Here's the scoop....

They even carry Royalty!


That's right!!

They carry ROYALTY!!!

....Melissa & Doug's Royalty Puppets!


I'm sorry! (Snicker!) Considering how today finds me caught up in all things "ROYAL", I just could not hold myself back on that one!

But Honestly, Jokes Aside....

We've always associated imaginative play with pretend play toys and tend to forget how valuable the power of hand puppets really is. I teach children between the ages of 3-5 in our church Missionettes class every Wednesday and I've found that I'm able to get the little ones hooked onto every word I say when a hand puppet decides to join me for the class.

Hand puppets are also a great way to trigger off a child's creative juices and get them flowing. Bunny girl adores hand puppets and just by using these four puppets alone she put on a Resurrection Day Show for us this past weekend.

(She used the King for Jesus, the Queen for Mary Magdalene, the Knight for Peter and the Princess for the Angel on the tomb)

Great for Special Needs:

When I ordered this set I thought I'd use this for my class till my sister, who is a Speech Therapist, asked if she could have them for her therapy sessions. She has been looking out for quality kids puppets and after listening to me rave about how they animatedly remind me of a Muppets show, she knew her search for the right therapy aids was over.

No these aren't your average sized hand puppets.
(My strategically placed 500 ml water bottle will help sink that in.)

She plans to build on her collection with more puppets and a puppet theater and considering these are Melissa & Doug, these will durably withstand hours of use and considerable handling by the kids too.

So while we are sad that we will say goodbye to our Royal Highnesses soon, we're just thrilled that we had the honor of being in Royal company especially on a symbolic day as this!

Gummy Lump-icious Links:

Buy it:

You can buy the Royalty Puppets Set for a reduced price of 63.99 US$ (Original Price: 79.99 US$)

Win it:

One reader will have the opportunity to win a 50 US$ Gummy Lump Gift Certificate that may be used towards ANYTHING on their site.

Note: Any household that has won a giveaway from in the past 90 days is not eligible for this giveaway. Should an ineligible entrant be chosen as the winner, all rights to the prize will be considered forfeited and a new winner will be chosen

Here's how you can win it:

1. Mandatory entry (without this, all other entries will be disqualified)-

Visit the Gummy Lump website and tell me what you would love to buy.

2. Love on the Sponsor-

- Follow Gummy Lump on Twitter

- Like Gummy Lump on Facebook

- Follow the Gummy Lump blog

- Sign up for the Gummy Lump newsletter

- Become a Gummy Lump affiliate

- Follow me on Twitter and tweet once daily...

RT @ebmommy #Win a 50$ Gift Certificate from @GummyLump at EBMR's #Educational & #Creative #Toys #Giveaway (5/28)

3. Seven additional entries: (1 entry each)-

- Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect

- "Like" me on Facebook.

- Follow me on Networked Blogs

- Follow my feed via RSS

- Subscribe via email to receive EBMR's blog updates

-Snag my Blog button

-Blog about this giveaway (leave a comment with a link to your blog post

* Please ensure your Blogger Profile holds your email address. If it's set to private or your email address does not show, please add the same in your comments*

This giveaway is open to US Residents only, 18 years and above. 1 winner will be chosen with the generator on May 28, 2011 at 10 pm Central time.

** EBMR Disclaimer: Gummy Lump sent me the featured product for review purposes only. This post has not been monetarily compensated and is based on the views and opinions of my family and/or self. Please note that the opinions reflected in this post have not been influenced by the sponsor in any way.**

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Aden + Anais sleeping bags....Mommy Approved, Baby Loved (+Giveaway)

The Buzz:

Aden + Anais continues to feature on my list of top Mommy Approved, Baby Loved products. I have raved about Aden + Anais' cotton muslin products in the past and cannot turn down the opportunity to test out another great product from their collection....the Classic Sleeping Bag.

The Classic Sleeping Bag is a single layered, 100% cotton muslin "bag" that is to be pulled over your baby's clothes. This is yet another alternative to using a baby blanket for your baby.

E.B. Mommy's Report:

Bunny Boo is a tall 11 month old, so keeping in mind how quickly he grows and my desire to put this product to good use atleast for a few months, I ordered the largest size perfect for an 18-24 month old baby.

There are times I leave Bunny Boo in his Sleeping Bag in the mornings. Why? Because I love watching him crawl around looking like Popeye's Swee' Pea!

Not only is the bag a more convenient and comfortable option as it saves having to cover Bunny Boo with a blanket (Oh yes, he's at that wiggly squirmy stage.) but it's also a safer sleeping arrangement for him. (The SIDS scare is still very real so it's always better to be safe than sorry!)

The fabric used is a light-weight muslin which is comfortable even for those hot, humid summer months.

My favorite feature in this product is definitely the bottom-to-top zipper that makes late night diaper changes a breeze!

Would I recommend this as a baby gift for the next baby shower you plan to attend?....
Oh yeah! Without any hesitation!!

Buy it:

You can buy an Aden + Anais Classic Sleeping Bag for 29.95 US$ with free shipping.

Win it:

One reader will have the opportunity to win an Aden + Anais Classic Sleeping Bag.

Here's how you can win it:

1. Mandatory entry (without this, all other entries will be disqualified)-

Visit the Aden + Anais site and tell me another product that would make a great baby shower gift.

2. Love on the Sponsor-

- Follow Aden + Anais on Twitter

- Fan Aden + Anais on Facebook

- Follow me on Twitter and tweet once daily...

RT @ebmommy #Win a Classic Muslin #Sleeping Bag from @adenandanais at EBMR's #Baby #Giveaway (5/14)

3. Seven additional entries: (1 entry each)-

- Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect

- "Like" me on Facebook.

- Follow me on Networked Blogs

- Follow my feed via RSS

- Subscribe via email to receive EBMR's blog updates

-Snag my Blog button

-Blog about this giveaway (leave a comment with a link to your blog post

* Please ensure your Blogger Profile holds your email address. If it's set to private or your email address does not show, please add the same in your comments*

This giveaway is open to US Residents only, 18 years and above. 1 winner will be chosen with the generator on May 14, 2011 at 10 pm Central time.

** EBMR Disclaimer: Aden + Anais sent me the featured product for review purposes only. This review has not been monetarily compensated and is based on the views and opinions of my family and/or self. Please note that the opinions reflected in this post have not been influenced by the sponsor in any way.**

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Apr 28, 2011

CLOSED:Dora the Explorer: It's Haircut Day DVD (+Giveaway)-3 winners

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*

Nickelodeon Home Entertainment
brings Dora the Explorer: It's Haircut Day DVD into your home, this May 3rd, 2011.

The Buzz:

This 95 minute DVD features 4 exciting episodes that include....

Dora’s Hair Raising Adventure

Boots really wants to give his mom a picture of himself for her birthday but he’s having a bad hair day. Thankfully, Dora knows who can help, El Peluquero (the barber). Dora and Boots set out on a Hairy Adventure to solve a riddle at the Troll Bridge by matching poodles with cool geometric-shaped haircuts, help Señora Gigante brush some birdies out of her hair, and sing a “corta el pelo” song with El Peluquero as he gives Boots a new haircut.

Happy Birthday, Super Babies

It’s the Twins’ 1st birthday! Abuela’s making Guillermo a banana cake and Isabella a strawberry cake – her favorite! As they wait for the cakes to bake, Dora tells a Super Babies story! Once upon a time, there was a cake-snatching bear who stole everyone’s birthday cake. This was a job for the Super Babies! They bounced across the Bouncy House, caught a ride with Tico through the Piñata Forest, and made it to the Bear’s Castle to get back the birthday cakes and save everyone’s birthday.

Baby Winky Goes Home!

Dora and Boots find a lovable little space creature named Winky. He came to visit with his family, Purple Planet’s Inky, Dinky, Plinky, Flinky and Al, but he got lost! Winky must get back to his family before their spaceship takes off. They set off singing a Spanish hopping song over Hopscotch Bridge, blow giant rocks into bubbles, and float all the way to the top of the Tallest Mountain.

Dora's Pegaso Adventure

Dora and Boots are playing a game of hide-and-seek with their friends Little Star and some animal constellations: Pegaso (the flying horse), a Baby Bear, a Lion and a Whale. Suddenly, a meteor shower rushes by scaring all of the animals away! The sky goes dark except for Little Star and Pegaso. If the constellations don’t come home to the moon before the sun comes up, they’ll never find their way home! They race against the sun and take a Pegaso ride to find the animal constellations.

E.B. Mommy's Report:

Dora the Explorer: It's Haircut Day DVD was a nice change as Bunny girl hasn't seen any of the four episodes before and one of them even features the Super Babies. She also enjoyed the Pegaso Adventure as Hubby had spent one evening with her pointing out the Big Dipper and the North Star. As with all the Dora episodes she watches, these too had my 5 year old leaping off the couch to shout out directions and answer questions when asked by the little Explorer and her friends.

Dora is loved to bits at our home, so much so that I stumbled in on Bunny girl teaching Bunny Boo to say "Dora" a few days ago. Dora's next little fan in line now babbles "Dowa" when asked and I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before the two of them will be watching episodes together!

Buy it:

You can pre-order Dora the Explorer: It's Haircut Day DVD on Amazon at a reduced price of 13.99 US$. (Original Price: 16.99 US$)

Win it:

Three readers will win the opportunity to own a copy each of Dora the Explorer: It's Haircut Day DVD

Here's how you can win it:

1. Mandatory entry (without this, all other entries will be disqualified)-

Tell me which episode you think your little Explorer will love.

2. Love on the Sponsor-

- 'Like'
Nick Jr on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter and tweet once daily...

RT @ebmommy #Win Dora the Explorer: It's Haircut Day with EBMR's Nick Jr #Preschool #Giveaway -3 winners (5/14)

3. Seven additional entries: (1 entry each)-

- Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect

- "Like" me on Facebook.

- Follow me on Networked Blogs

- Follow my feed via RSS

- Subscribe via email to receive EBMR's blog updates

-Snag my Blog button

-Blog about this giveaway (leave a comment with a link to your blog post)

* Please ensure your Blogger Profile holds your email address. If it's set to private or your email address does not show, please add the same in your comments*

This giveaway is open to US Residents only, 18 years and above. 3 winners will be chosen with the generator on May 14, 2011 at 10 pm Central time.

** EBMR Disclaimer: Nick Jr sent me the featured product for review purposes only. This post has not been monetarily compensated and is based on the views and opinions of my family and/or self. Please note that the opinions reflected in this post have not been influenced by the sponsor in any way.**

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CLOSED: TinySoles....The shoe boutique for little feet (+30$ Gift Certificate Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*

If you've worn yourself out shopping store to store for stylish, comfortable, trustworthy and affordable shoes for your little ones, sit back and take a deep breath. I have a lifesaver you will love....TinySoles.

The Buzz:

TinySoles is a shoe boutique for babies, toddlers and children that carries age appropriate footwear that has been tested, approved and quality stamped by the TinySoles managing team.

A majority of the shoes showcased are specifically picked after a pediatrician or podiatrist recommends the same for a child's proper foot growth, development of muscles
and natural balance.

Knowing that you will shop for more than just shoes, TinySoles also offers their customers a selection of tights, socks, hats, headbands, clips, bags, raincoats and more!

The store carries brands that have made every Mommy in the market smile with satisfaction and relief.

As they aptly put it.... "No matter what the use, we have your tiny soles covered from newborn to kids size 13."

E.B. Mommy's Report:

Bunny Boo has been on a growth spurt and it was time I stopped stuffing his growing feet into his now "too small" shoes. He must've been so relieved when I slipped his chubby little feet into the new Rileyroos Chessie Navy shoes!

These handcrafted, light-weight, leather shoes are perfect for my experimenting little cruising baby. The shoes have padded leather collars for cushioned comfort and flexible leather soles with rubber traction pads.

They're easy to slip on and slip off and can be tightened by adjusting the two velcro straps on each shoe.

I love the pockets on the shoe that allow his little feet to breathe, making them great for the summer considering they protect his feet completely yet allow sufficient air flow to keep his baby feet ventilated. This pair goes great with a casual thrown together look or even when my dashing lad dresses dapper with his "church best" attire.

I know before he outgrows these I will be looking to get him a similar pair in a larger size., maybe the next time in Chocolate!

Buy it:

You can buy the Rileyroos Chessie Navy for 32 US$ with free shipping.

* Note: All orders placed 20 US$ and above are eligible to avail of the free shipping option.*

Win it:

One reader will have the opportunity to win a 30$ TinySoles Gift Certificate that may be put towards anything on their site.

Here's how you can win it:

1. Mandatory entry (without this, all other entries will be disqualified)-

Look through the TinySoles site and tell me one pair you love.

2. Love on the Sponsor-

- Like TinySoles on Facebook

- Follow me on Twitter and tweet once daily...

RT @ebmommy #Win a 30$ TinySoles Gift Certificate to buy shoes for your baby/kid at EBMR's #Shoe #Giveaway

3. Seven additional entries: (1 entry each)-

- Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect

- "Like" me on Facebook.

- Follow me on Networked Blogs

- Follow my feed via RSS

- Subscribe via email to receive EBMR's blog updates

-Snag my Blog button

-Blog about this giveaway (leave a comment with a link to your blog post

* Please ensure your Blogger Profile holds your email address. If it's set to private or your email address does not show, please add the same in your comments*

This giveaway is open to US Residents only, 18 years and above. 1 winner will be chosen with the generator on May 14, 2011 at 10 pm Central time.

** EBMR Disclaimer: TinySoles sent me the featured product for review purposes only. This post has not been monetarily compensated and is based on the views and opinions of my family and/or self. *

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Apr 27, 2011

CLOSED: Join me in helping the Pampers Little Miracle Mission (A Pay-It Forward 50$ Gift Card Giveaway)

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*

The Buzz:

In celebration of its 50th birthday, Pampers is recognizing how much parenting has changed over the years, and is sharing their belief that every baby is a little miracle that deserves to be celebrated, supported and protected, by unveiling its Little Miracle Mission campaign – a program that delivers acts of kindness to miracles and their families while encouraging parents to support others.

The brand recently kicked off the Little Miracle Missions campaign by delivering a giant act of support –donating care packages to Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) across the country. Celebrities Joey Lawrence , Ali Larter, Mark Consuelos and LaLa Anthony were on-hand in New York City to personally deliver a care package and thank you basket to Mt. Sinai Hospital and their staff.

Do you want to help?:


Hop over to Pampers Facebook Page and click on the Miracle Missions tab to lock in your support. Once you do this go ahead and plan your "Act(s) of Love" for an expectant mother(s) you know or plan to bless upon through an organization or institution.

Will it make a difference if I skip committing my support on the Facebook page and just help out quietly? :

Oh yes it WILL make a BIG difference, here's why....
Once more than 2,500 people pledge that they have achieved this mission , Pampers will respond by giving 1000 baby showers to expectant mothers nationwide just in time for Mother’s Day.

Do I know someone in need?:

All of us know atleast one expectant Mommy in church, in the neighborhood or through a friend, who is struggling to get things together before her precious little baby arrives. There's so much you can do to help and guess what? It isn't hard at all!
Remember your gift for this baby does not have to be expensive nor does it have to be big. Every little hand towel pack or baby bootie counts!

I want to help but have no idea what a new Mommy would really want:

Buying baby essentials like baby clothes, towels and toiletries are important but something that is NEVER an unwanted gift is diapers. (especially considering how expensive they can be if you don't shop wisely)

Here's how I would make my 50$ Gift Card stretch out to its maximum worth. Feel free to do the same too....
Sign up for Amazon Mom (this is free) and order Pampers Diapers for the Mommy/Mommies you have in mind making sure you order using the SUBSCRIBE & SAVE option.
With this option you can buy diapers at 30% off the regular price, thus allowing you to buy MORE diapers within your given budget.

(Note: You can cancel the Subscribe and Save option at any time, without any penalties)

Now that we know what to do....LETS DO IT !!

Pampers wants to help one of you pay-it-forward:

One reader will have the opportunity to win a 50$ Amex Gift Card to use to bless upon an expectant Mommy/Mommies in whatever way he/she deems most appropriate.

Will this be the only Mission?:

Oh no! Pampers will issue different missions throughout the entire year to celebrate all aspects of parenthood, and with the help of parents, family and friends, they hope to touch the lives of every baby born in the next year.

Here's how you can win this Gift Card to bless on an expectant Mommy in need:

1. Mandatory entry (without this, all other entries will be disqualified)-

Tell me what how you would use your 50$ Gift Card, if you win? (Please be honest)

2. Love on the Sponsor-

- Follow Pampers on Twitter

- Like Pampers on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter and tweet once daily...

RT @ebmommy Win a 50$ Amex GiftCard from @Pampers & help support the Little Miracle Mission (5/7) #PampersMiracles

3. Seven additional entries: (1 entry each)-

- Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect

- "Like" me on Facebook.

- Follow me on Networked Blogs

- Follow my feed via RSS

- Subscribe via email to receive EBMR's blog updates

-Snag my Blog button

-Blog about this giveaway (leave a comment with a link to your blog post)

* Please ensure your Blogger Profile holds your email address. If it's set to private or your email address does not show, please add the same in your comments*

This giveaway is open to US Residents only, 18 years and above. 1 winner will be chosen with the generator on May 7, 2011 at 10 pm Central time.

** EBMR Disclaimer: Pampers will be sending me a GC in line with the Little Miracle Mission. This post has not been monetarily compensated and is based on the views and opinions of my family and/or self. Please note that the opinions reflected in this post have not been influenced by the sponsor in any way

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Apr 26, 2011

"I Love My Mommy" Giveaway Feature #5- The Vintage Pearl

I Love My Mommy Blog Hop
MAY 5 - MAY 10, 2011

Come visit our featured I Love My Mommy Feature Sponsor. Feel free to shop from their site/ store and follow them through the social media links provided below for early extra entries into the Main Giveaway.

The Buzz:

If you're looking for a gift that is unique, one of a kind and classy you really should e-visit The Vintage Pearl.

The Vintage Pearl creates unique and meaningful handstamped jewelry and keepsakes. Each piece is handcrafted from start to finish.

What makes a creation from The Vintage Pearl is the fact that you can personalize your piece thereby making it a gift that the recipient will treasure for years on end.

My Mommy owns a gorgeous The Names On My Heart piece that she received from both her grand-babies. I know she has been wearing her creation with pride and honestly if you see the piece you'd understand why.

It's no secret that I love The Vintage Pearl. Their beautiful creations, generous heart to bless on those in need and quality make them stand out on my list of "Special Mommy Gifts."

Click here to read my review post on Ma's special piece.

Win it:

One reader will have the opportunity to win
A 50 US$ The Vintage Pearl Gift Certificate
during the I Love My Mommy Giveaway
on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports.
(May 5-10, 2011)

** The
I Love My Mommy Giveaway is now LIVE.
Click HERE to enter the same.**

** EBMR Disclaimer:
This post has not been monetarily compensated nor have I received a review product for the same. It is based on the information provided by the sponsor.**

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Tuesday's Treasures (Giveaway Linky for 4/26-5/3)

(I will keep adding to this list as each giveaway goes live. Makes it easier to use as your reference base OR you can use the lists on the right, in the margin.)

Giveaways ending on 4/30/2011

* 180$ Gift Certificate- Brunch for 4 at 18 Oaks, JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa
* A beautiful Mommy keepsake-"Mommy Whispers"
* Virescent Eco-friendly Shopper
* Rayovac Platinum Everyday Charger - 5 winners


* 50$ Amex Gift Card + Pepto Bismal Gift Pack Giveaway (5/21)


*#11- The White House: An Illustrated History (5/7)
* #12- Chicken Soup for the Soul : New Mom (5/7)-3 winners


* CVS Earth Essentials Gift Pack (5/7)

And don't forget!
For our fabulous Mommies....

The I Love My Mommy Blog Hop runs from MAY 5 - MAY 10, 2011 right here!

For exciting buzz on the 660$ worth of great prizes I have lined up and more, click on this link.

Note: I don't scout through and pick the winner I want...the Random Generator does your odds of winning are
just as great even if you're the 246th entrant or the 3rd! (Plus my readers have won several times over....the secret is tweet, tweet, tweet those daily entry modes!)

*Feel free to add your giveaways to the Tuesday's Treasures Linky but please ensure you link directly to the giveaway and not your blog's main page....makes entering the giveaway much easier.

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Apr 25, 2011

Crest Pro Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse & Us! (Phase 2)

Close to a month has passed since Hubby and I have included Crest Pro Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse in our daily dental hygiene routine. (Click here to read my first post)

Using a good mouthwash regularly will help keep your mouth cleansed and your teeth healthy. The Crest Pro Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse strives to do just that and though I can't substantiate this with a Dentist's stamp of approval I can say that....
  1. The lower "burn" levels while gargling has motivated me to leave the Rinse in my mouth while gargling for longer than a usual 3-5 seconds.
  2. The greyish colored rinse liquid (once spat out) psychologically gives me the feeling that the Rinse is doing the cleaning work it claims it should.
  3. When paired with the Sensodyne toothpaste I use, I feel it has minimized the sensitivity I had begun to feel in a tiny, once filled cavity crevice.
  4. Hubby and I haven't seen any visible surface staining on our teeth.(as has been mentioned as a possibility in some cases)
We're still debating whether or not we should switch mouthwash loyalties completely or alternate for a while with our 'former' mouthwash favorite. Since we still don't know what those little eraser shavings looking bits that appear on and off (our assumption is food particles but why they're greyish in color still stumps us!), I think we may alternate for a while.

Buy it:

You can buy the Crest Pro Health Invigorating Clean Multi-Protection Rinse for 4.59 US$ (500 ml) and 5.89 US$ (1 l)

** EBMR Disclaimer:
“I wrote this review while participating in a test drive campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Crest and received a sample to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central Consulting sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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CLOSED: I'd Choose You by Dr. John Trent (Book Giveaway #13)

This is the 13th of 13 Book Giveaways Hosted to Celebrate EBMR's Listing in the Top 25 Product Reviewers list on Circle Of Moms.

* Click here to view the name(s) of the winner(s)*

The Buzz:

Have you ever been the last one picked for a team?

Everyone knows what it’s like to have a bad day. And when Norbert comes home from school, he has had a really bad day. As he and his mother talk through the day's mishaps, she gently imparts The Blessing on him through spoken word, meaningful touch, attachment of high value, portraying a special future, and genuine commitment.

By the end of the book, Norbert knows he is loved, and that even if he wasn’t the first pick for the team, he will always be chosen by his parents . . . and by God.

Click on this link to preview this book.

E.B. Mommy's Report:

There have been those days when Bunny girl has come home with a heavy heart only because a certain little buddy didn't want to play with her in the playground or because she didn't get picked to play with a certain little "clique" in class. (Yes preschool classes DO have mini elite groups too. I know....that shocked me too!)

Feeling the sadness in your child's countenance is enough to pull your cheerful spirits down too but then that's where you remind yourself that as her Mommy you need to encourage her, pep up her spirit and remind her that she is so special not just to your family and the people who know her but also to God.That's why I'd Choose You has found a special place in our library.
Norton reminds me so much of my Bunny girl and I could hear myself in his Mommy. The book is simply but beautifully written. Dr John Trent handles the sensitive issue of a child's hurt emotion with love, care and encouragement and the post story assignment for us parents to write up a "Parental Blessing" to speak over our children is meaningful and special.

Get this book. Your family will be blessed!

Buy it:

I'd Choose You
by Dr. John Trent retails for 9.99 US$.

Win it:

One reader will have the opportunity to win I'd Choose You.

Here's how you can win it:

1. Mandatory entry (without this, all other entries will be disqualified)-

Tell me who you would like to win this book for.

2. Love on the Sponsor-

- Follow Tommy Nelson on Twitter

- Like Tommy Nelson on Facebook

- Follow me on Twitter and tweet once daily...

RT @ebmommy #Win I'd Choose You from @tommynelson at EBMR's Kids Books Giveaway (5/7)

3. Seven additional entries: (1 entry each)-

- Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect

- "Like" me on Facebook.

- Follow me on Networked Blogs

- Follow my feed via RSS

- Subscribe via email to receive EBMR's blog updates

-Snag my Blog button

-Blog about this giveaway (leave a comment with a link to your blog post

* Please ensure your Blogger Profile holds your email address. If it's set to private or your email address does not show, please add the same in your comments*

This giveaway is open to US Residents only, 18 years and above. 1 winner will be chosen with the generator on May 7, 2011 at 10 pm Central time.

** EBMR Disclaimer: Tommy Nelson sent me the featured product for review purposes only. This post has not been monetarily compensated and is based on the views and opinions of my family and/or self. *

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Winners for the giveaways that ended on 4/23


I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend. Our family had friends over for lunch and dinner both on Saturday and Sunday and on Sunday we were blessed to attend our church's sunrise service followed by a wonderful baptismal service where several people accepted Jesus into their hearts. Oh what a time! We just keep thanking God for this season He is taking our church through.

Here are our winners for the week....

* Winner of Fur and Feathers is #43- Danelle

* Winner of the The Moon Shines Down is #99- Jennifer T

* Winner of the Bible Stories for Boys is #182 JR911

* Winner of the Bible Stories for Girls is #3- Casey Aubut

* Winner of the The Velveteen Bible is #186- Cakeblast

* Winner of the Good Night Little Sea Otter is #33- Katie

* Winner of the Schleich Farm Life Families Gift Pack Giveaway-69$ value is #150- Natalie U

* Winners of the Chuggington Traintastic Cargo Game are
  • #187-Deadmonkeys90
  • #157- Cinderella10383

* Winners of the Max & Ruby: Rainy Day Play are
  • #226- Paula Sue
  • #10-Brenda
  • #18- Agatewood1

Congratulations to all the winners, once again. I hope you enjoy your wins. (Will be emailing you all later today)

A big thank you goes out to everyone who entered these giveaways...don't lose heart as we have so many giveaways live and more yet to come. (You never know which one you may win!)

Also if you've won once on my blog, it doesn't mean you can't win again. Many of my readers have won twice, thrice and even four times on the blog giveaways. If the random generator picks your number you will be a winner....even if you've won before!

And yes the countdown begins for our fabulous Mommies event....

The I Love My Mommy Blog Hop runs from MAY 5 - MAY 10, 2011 right here!

For more buzz on the great prizes and more, click on this link.

In the midst of all of this, please don't forget about Emily.

Round 5 of chemo starts soon and I'm encouraging you to stand in the gap to believe with us for this sweet baby's healing and strength and grace for her family at this time.

(Any financial support, no matter how small, will also be such a big blessing and help to the family. Please click on the "Chip In" button in the right margin to contribute.)

Do spread the word around about this precious little one and feel free to re-post this to your blog/site/facebook page/tweet the same out.

Giveaways ending on 4/30/2011

* 180$ Gift Certificate- Brunch for 4 at 18 Oaks, JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa
*#10-Mommy Whispers
* Virescent Eco-friendly Shopper
* Rayovac Platinum Everyday Charger - 5 winners


* 50$ Amex Gift Card + Pepto Bismal Gift Pack Giveaway (5/21)


*#11- The White House: An Illustrated History (5/7)
* #12- Chicken Soup for the Soul : New Mom (5/7)-3 winners


* CVS Earth Essentials Gift Pack (5/7)


* If any winner does not get back to me 48 hours after his or her name has been posted/ emailed, I will pick a new winner

* All winners are chosen using the generator.

* While I only host the giveaways on my blog, I cannot stand guarantee for a sponsor's prompt prize fulfillment or an unexpected inability to fulfill the same.

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