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Infantino's Balance Carrier...A God send! (Review Only)

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Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports: Infantino's Balance Carrier...A God send! (Review Only)

Sep 2, 2010

Infantino's Balance Carrier...A God send! (Review Only)

This post is a 'Back To School 2010 Carnival' feature on Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports.
The Carnival runs from August 15-August 28 2010.
For a list of all the live giveaways visit 'The BTS 2010 Stop!'

When my Mom and sister left after being around to help with Bunny Boo for the first two and a half months I felt a little lost. I wanted to be able to carry him, cuddle him and have one on one body contact as I did with Bunny girl for the first several months of her life. Only this time around it was different....I have Bunny girl to share my attention with and honestly I prayed that God would give me the grace to be able to give both my little treasures the time, love and attention they needed. My prayer was answered through the delivery of the next Infantino test product we received through the Mom Central campaign.....the Infantino Balance Carrier.

I'm in love with this carrier because I can do all that I need to, carry Bunny Boo AND ensure I don't strain my back while carrying him!

The clip on strap at the back and the paneled strap that buckles right around the waist provide support to ensure the weight of my little one carried in the front does not load my lower back. (which is such a relief as my lower back tends to get very sensitive if I carry heavy loads for long periods of time)

I've also noticed that Bunny Boo enjoys the body warmth. At times when I find it hard to get home to fall asleep, I pull on the carrier, place him inside, strap up and he snuggles in comfortably. After walking around our home for a few minutes I can hear tiny snores...something that is, without a doubt, music to my ears!

I've had many people ask if the carrier's safe for Bunny Boo's breathing and my back and after using Infantino's Balance Carrier for the past month I can affirm that both of us can vouch that it has worked well for both of us. The trick is to use it right and if you do, both you and your little one will be in a win-win situation with the carrier.

Watch this video to ensure you're using your Infantino Balance Carrier right....

I'm sure you're wondering why I've placed my Infantino Balance Carrier review under my 'Back To School Carnival 2010' banner....well, it has been most useful especially since both Bunny Boo and myself drop and pick Bunny girl up from preschool.
I'm not someone who likes pulling out Bunny Boo's carseat, placing it on the car seat stroller and then moving to get things done. I've found that picking up the car seat with Bunny Boo in the same, has strained my back. Carrying him out of his carseat and placing him in the Balance Carrier has been easier on me and it leaves my hands free to hold Bunny girl's hand and her lunchbox or any papers/crafts she carries home after school.
So yes, this is my 'Back To School' helper!

Bunny Boo, the carrier and I have shopped together, attended church services and prayer fellowships, gone for long walks around the neighborhood and even been in a hour long class I had to take for my little preschool Bible study group two Wednesdays ago.
It has been an answer to that prayer I whispered several weeks ago.

Buy it:

You can buy the Infantino Balance Carrier from Babies R Us for 59.99 US$

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** EBMR Disclaimer:
I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for Infantino and have received various Infantino products as part of my participation in the same.
This review has not been monetarily compensated and is based on the views and opinions of my family and/or self. Please note that the opinions reflected in this post have not been influenced by the sponsor in any way.**

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